Spring 2020 District Meeting
The Master is having a District meeting:
Saturday, March 26th, 2022
St. Leonard’s Catholic Church
57 Dorsey Mill Road
Heath, Ohio 43056
Ohio District 3 will hold a District meeting on March 26th. The doors will open at 1:30pm. Please bring a dish to share for lunch. The District will supply the main dish (meat & cheese tray) and drinks. District meeting will start at 3:00pm. All Faithful Navigators & Comptrollers are requested to attend this meeting. Topics to be covered: Spring Exemplificatio and nominations for the next District Master.
All Ohio District 3 Brother Sir Knights in good standing are welcomed to attend the District Meeting.
As with all Ohio District 3 Meetings your families are invited and welcome to attend; during the Brothers Only portion of the meeting there will be a separate Ladies meeting hosted by Lady Barb Lord to discuss the Spring Exemplification and the Ladies activities and programs at the Exemplification.
Duane Lord
Ohio District #3